I was directed towards this blog today, and felt that I had to re-post it. Not because it's simply propaganda that supports my thinking, but because it's a honest and thoughtful (and perhaps a little less emotionally charged). It even gave me some points to consider.
Everybody is different. Everybody's situation is different. We cannot make assumptions, or judge somebody based on decisions they're making for their lives, because we have no idea what they're going through. A reader on this blog made some very false assumptions about me, my family, and my values based on my post. I urge you all to reserve judgements, and really think before you make an assessment about somebody you don't actually know. I try to always assume positive intent, to assume the best in people. Otherwise, it's easy to be pulled down into a very negative place.
My favorite passage: "If you have a job that is paying you for your Thanksgiving Holiday: Be Thankful. If you have a family and are enjoying their company all day and would have no desire to leave them to shop on Thanksgiving? Be Thankful. If you think those crazy Christmas shopping crowds are terrifying and therefore do all of your shopping online to avoid them? Be Thankful.
And if you have to go to Target or some store on Thanksgiving – or ANY
day for that matter – remember there’s always a chance the person
helping you is missing something – Thanksgiving Dinner, a soccer game, a
parent/teacher conference – to do the job you’re watching them do. So,
make sure you treat them with kindness and respect. And just Be Thankful that you live a lifestyle where you have the family and the resources to be snarky about people shopping on Thanksgiving."
So, I present to you this blog, titled "Before You Post Something Derogatory About Shopping on Thanksgiving". Unfortunately, the comments there are closed, but feel free to comment here. I always publish them, even if I don't agree with their content.
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